The Department of History of Art and Architecture prepares students for graduate work leading to careers as historians and critics of art and architecture, as museum and gallery professionals, and to work in arts administration and historic preservation. The Department offers degrees in all periods and media from Ancient to Contemporary, including African, Chinese, Islamic, and Latin American art, with particular strengths in early-modern and modern/contemporary art, and architecture and urban history. The majority of faculty have extensive expertise in museum history, theory, and practice, as well as strong interests in theory and field research, including archaeological field work. The program is supported by an excellent Arts Library, Image Resources Collection, Architectural Drawing Collection, and Art, Design & Architecture Museum.
Mailing Address
Department of History of Art and Architecture
University of California, Santa Barbara
Arts Bldg, Room 1234
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7080
Department Phone Number
(805) 893-2454
Degrees Offered

Fall Only:
- December 15, 2024 (by 11:59 PM PST)
- Online application:
- Statement of Purpose, Personal History and Diversity Statement, and Resume or CV (submitted in online application)
- Three Letters of Recommendation (submitted online)
- Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended (submitted online)
- As a means of fostering inclusivity and access, we no longer require GRE scores.
- Sample of written work that is art historical in nature, (50 pages maximum); Those with an MA in Art History: submit a copy or a chapter of MA thesis (note: writing sample should be uploaded with application as supplemental document and submitted by December 15).
- English Language Exam Scores (if applicable): TOEFL Internet-Based Test (IBT) total score of 80, or TOEFL Paper-Based Test (PBT) total score of 550, or IELTS Overall Band score of 7, or Duolingo English Test total score of 120, or higher. See for details.
- Final/Official transcripts will be required for all applicants who are admitted and have indicated their intent to enroll at UC Santa Barbara by submitting a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). UC Santa Barbara reserves the right to require official transcripts at any time during the admissions process, and rescind any offer of admission made if discrepancies between uploaded and official transcript(s) are found.
Ancient Mediterranean Studies; European Medieval Studies; Feminist Studies (Ph.D. only). See individual Department websites for additional information.